Lindsay Taylor

June 20, 2020

Why does my bulldog fart so much and how to treat it

Gastrointestinal issues are some of the most common reasons people take their pet dogs to the vet. And one of the most common digestive complaints seen in veterinary offices around the world is chronic flatulence, more commonly known as excessive farting, a bulldog trait.

Nobody likes a smelly fart, especially when it’s coming from the rear end of a big, fat bulldog. However, although the smell may be unpleasant, the real concern with flatulent bulldogs is the possible causes behind the incessant farting.

Why Do All Dogs Fart?

The question of why dogs fart is practically rhetorical. I mean, why wouldn’t they fart? It should come as no surprise, given that they have a fully developed digestive system. Having said that, as comical as a farting bulldog may seem, it is essential to establish the potential reasons behind your dog’s overactive digestion since excessive farting is far from normal for a dog.

Below you will find the most common causes of excessive flatulence in dogs:

Diet And Eating Habits: Nine times out of ten, gastrointestinal problems are generally related to an unbalanced diet or poor eating habits. This holds true for humans, and it most certainly holds true for our canine friends as well.

In the case of bulldogs, we will often find them to be voracious eaters that enjoy ravaging their food in short periods. When they do this, large quantities of air enter their digestive tract, and this can lead to bloating and other digestive issues related to flatulence and gas. Additionally, if you feed your bulldog a diet that is rich in carbohydrates, you are actively promoting the formation of stinky farts. 

For these reasons, we must be very attentive to the types of foods we offer our dogs. For example, low-quality products contain little lean protein and tons of starches and flours. While certainly inexpensive, these products have a high cost when we take into consideration your pet’s digestive health.

Allergies: Another common reason for the development of digestive issues in dogs are allergies. Just like humans, who are commonly allergic to dairy or gluten, dogs are widely allergic to a plethora of things.

Some foods, such as dairy, starches and cereals, are among the leading causes of food allergies in dogs. A hypersensitive response of the immune system can cause skin rashes, upset stomach, and excessive gas formation. 

In these cases, veterinary attention is recommended. If your bulldog is presenting signs and symptoms of an allergy, your vet will likely conduct a few tests to confirm a diagnosis.

Pathologies: Many diseases or pathologies may also cause your bulldog’s excessive farting. For example, a parasite infestation can cause a sudden and significant increase in your dog’s farting. Other pathological causes of farting in dogs include inflammatory bowel disease and cancer of the bowel.

If a change in diet or an allergic reaction is not the underlying cause of your dog’s farting, it is a good idea to take them to the vet for a thorough check-up especially if you have noticed other unusual symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss.

What Can I Give My Dog ​​if He Has Gas?

As mentioned above, your best bet to deal with excessive farting from your dog is to seek veterinary help. However, there are more than a few things you can do from home to try and ameliorate the intensity and frequency of your bulldog’s worst farts.

Below you will find the most effective home remedies and alternative treatments for a gassy canine:

  • Probiotics: Probiotics are a type of food product that contains a ton of beneficial intestinal bacteria. The inclusion of these microorganisms in your dog’s diet will help to stabilize its digestive function as well as enhance the rate at which your dog naturally absorbs essential dietary nutrients. Moreover, it has been proven by scientific studies that probiotics boost the strength of the immune system, which can definitely help in case an allergic reaction causes your dog’s gasses.


  • Fibers: It is also important to ensure that your dog is ingesting sufficient dietary fibers that can serve as food for the millions of beneficial bacteria provided by probiotics. 


  • Turmeric: Turmeric is a flavorful spice with a characteristically vibrant golden brown color. It is used traditionally in Asian and Middle Eastern cooking for its mustard-like flavor and pungent aroma. Surprisingly, many dogs are quite fond of its flavor, which is fantastic, given turmeric’s many benefits to intestinal health.Tumeric occasionally even promotes proper digestion, fast intestinal transit, and inhibits the formation of intestinal gases.Note however,in  large quantities, turmeric can actually irritate your dogs digestive lining, therefore it should always be used in moderation.


  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is another common spice that can offer a plethora of health benefits to your gassy bulldog. In addition to its many anti glycemic, anti inflammatory and antibacterial and antifungal properties, cinnamon can also aid in digestion and prevent the formation of gases.However, we must respect the maximum daily dose of a half teaspoon to circumvent cinnamon’s potent anticoagulant effect. 


  • Chamomile: Chamomile is one of the most healthy and beneficial herbs in the world. A light chamomile infusion can help calm stomach cramps, as well as relieve the stinkiest symptoms of digestive stress. Try feeding your bulldog a couple of tablespoons of warm chamomile tea to help alleviate excessive bloating and farting. 


Even though “farty” bulldogs are a common enough occurrence, it is vital that dog owners understand that excessive gases are not healthy and should be considered a potential sign or symptom of a more serious digestive issue.

A dog that continually expels foul-smelling gases likely has a gastrointestinal problem that may stem from a poor diet or some underlying pathology. The best thing you can do for your stinky farting canine is to seek veterinary attention in order to establish a cause and determine an effective treatment.